Our Services

Services offered by Davis Cultural Heritage Consulting are tailored to meet the needs of today’s cultural institutions, organizations, and historical societies that require scholarly, professional support but might not have the ability to hire these professionals on staff. Our firm can assist clients on a per-hour, per-project, or on a retainer basis.


Curatorial & Exhibition

One of the biggest struggles museums and cultural institutions of all sizes face is finding quality curatorial & exhibition support. The staff at Davis Cultural Heritage Consulting can aid with research, copywriting, development for exhibits. On the curatorial side, our staff is experienced in collections management and has up-to-date training in collections management policy development.

Management & Board Support

From recruitment of your organization’s next rising star to training your Board and management on the nuances of non-profit leadership, the team at Davis Cultural Heritage Consulting can help fill knowledge gaps while sharpening best practices of your organization.

Social Media Campaigns

While not on some institutions’ radar, social media is a low-cost marketing option for tight budgets and social media-based exhibit campaigns are a great way to highlight collection pieces, special or visiting exhibits, and even recognizing outstanding staff.

Our team can develop short-term, long-term, or even manage ongoing campaigns across one or multiple platforms. If your institution would be interested in a social media campaign package, contact the team at DCHC today!

Security Auditing & System Design

Protecting your collection is one of the most important functions as an institution. It’s also one that many organizations simply don’t have the industry knowledge to effectively implement protective measures to ensure a collection is both safe and secure.

The DCHC team includes industry-certified professionals that can aid your organization in finding both cost effective and security conscious approaches to your specific security needs. These include Security System Audits, System Design, and Policy Development.

Institutional History Program (IHP)

Davis Cultural Heritage Consulting recognizes the importance of preserving and presenting the institutional history of any organization or institution. Whether it’s a museum, a historical society, a community organization, a business, or a school… the story of how they got to where they are today is as important as the here and now. Why were they founded, who were the key players, what pushed the organization forward, and how have they impacted their community are all part of the very fabric of an organization!

The Institutional History Program (IHP) is a great way for any organization to remember, celebrate, and present their collective history. Options to choose from within the IHP including; Social Media campaigns, Fixed or Rotational Exhibits, and Promotional history. At DCHC, we want to help you tell your story… in your own words. Let us help you celebrate the long road to where you are today!

Specialty Services

Accreditation can be shining moment for an institution and Davis Cultural Heritage Consulting is here to help. Our team can help guide you through the accreditation process, serving as your institution’s Primary Contact, freeing your staff to handle the day-to-day business of your institution.

Retainer services in any of our areas of service above are also available.