
Jeremy L. Davis, M.A.

Principal & Founder

A third-generation “First Family” of Oklahoma, Principal Consultant and firm Founder Jeremy L. Davis has been in and around museums his entire life. From summers in junior high and high school spent volunteering with the Omniplex (now Science Museum Oklahoma) and the International Gymnastics Hall of Fame to a lifetime visiting museums and cultural institutions around the world, he knew the museum field was where he wanted to build a career.

After stints with the Exhibitions Team with University Libraries at the University of Oklahoma and as visiting Curator at a Smithsonian Affiliate Air & Space museum, Jeremy founded the firm in 2020 following his graduation from OU in response to the needs of the museum industry in the United States due to challenges of COVID-19.

Today, in addition to his work with our firm, Jeremy is the Senior Fellow for the Anastasia Pittman Research Institute (APRI), a cultural organization dedicated to the preservation of Black Seminole heritage and founded by former Oklahoma State Senator Anastasia Pittman. Additionally, he is a serving member of the Civil Air Patrol, the United States Air Force Auxiliary, and currently serves as the Wing Historian of the Oklahoma Wing with offices located at Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma.

Master of Arts (Museum Studies) - The University of Oklahoma

Bachelor of Science (Business Leadership) - Southwestern Christian University

Societies - Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity (Delta Beta ‘19)

Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society (Zeta Theta ‘20)

Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity (Gamma Phi ‘19)

Professional Memberships - Air & Space Forces Association Civil Air Patrol Foundation for Coast Guard History Geraldyn Cobb Air & Space Center Foundation